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Book rent collector free download[pdf] Download The Rent Collector Ebook and Read Online.The Rent Collector PDF Details
The trouble though was that her voice did not ring true to me- she sounded more American than Cambodian. The tone of the book annoyed me as well as it was too preachy. There were lots of lessons the author wished to relay but he relayed them in such a way that felt sermon like at times. Much as Sang Ly was learning from Sopeap Sin, we were as well. This book did make me interested in reading more about Cambodia and learning more about Khmer Rouge.
View all 15 comments. Oct 17, Lynne rated it it was amazing. A beautiful story about love and war and literature and healing. So thought-provoking! Wonderful book club selection!!! Highly recommend this book to all my Goodreads friends!
Apr 05, Kerstin rated it it was amazing. Halfway through the day, my brain declared itself the winner and started to work out a plan. Grandfather loved luck, but I am tired and can no longer wait around for its arrival. I bite my lip -- it hurts. I glance around the room -- it's our home at the dump. If you want to resurrect hope, doing is the most important. To understand literature, you read it with your head, but you interpret it with your heart.
The two are forced to work together -- and, quite frankly, they often don't get along. Everyone loves adventure, Sang Ly, when they know how the story ends. In life, however, our own endings are never as perfect. Her fingers curl around the pages, embracing them, and I promise to read more diligently and with more passion from this moment forward. However, first you musst see it, feel it, and then believe it.
When you do, where it takes you may surprise. Of course, I've never been in this actual situation before, so when I finish and she says nothing, I don't know what it means. I wait. She continues to think. There was a playwright named Heller, American, I believe, who summed it up this way. He said, 'They knew everything about literature except how to enjoy it. Stories express our longing not only to make a difference today but to see what is possible for tomorrow. Literature has been called a handbook for the art of being human.
So, yes. Fight evil with your knife. Whether we like it or not, hope is written so deeply into our hearts that we just can't help ourselves, no matter how hard we try otherwise. They touch a chord in our soul because they're notes we've already heard played.
Plots repeat because, from the birth of man, they explore the reasons for our being. Stories teach us to not give up hope because there are times in our own journey when we mustn't give up hope. They teach endurance because in our lives we are meant to endure. They carry messages that are older than the words themselves, messages that are older than the words themselves, messages that reach beyond the page.
Yet, on the other hand -- and this is the part that frustrates -- if we don't take the meaning of these stories literally, if we treat these tales as simply entertainment, we miss the deepest, most life-changing aspects of the stories. We miss teh entire reason they even exist.
If you are stupid, be stupid enough so they can pity you. Sometimes the two can be confusing. Instead, my husband runs through the city for the better part of the night to make sure that his wife and son are safe. At this moment, I think it would be more apt to say, For news of a mother's heart, watch her child's face. Nisay is terrified and my heart weeps. When I finally crack open the door to the pssibility, gratitude rushes past so quickly to reach the sunshine, there is nothing I can do to stop it.
View 1 comment. Sep 15, Mikko added it Shelves: listened-to. I almost burst into flames reading this book. And not in a good way. Never before has a book set me on fire so much so that I stopped people in the grocery store to rant about it. And I'm talking a raging house fire that turns childhood photos to ash, not sweet cozy flames in a winter stone hearth sort of fire.
The idea that The Rent Collector brings life in Stung Meanchey into the book clubs and reading lists of our comfortable Western world is a silver lining on a very dark storm cloud. The BAD: This book is an excellent example of an author writing the story that he feels he needs to tell, and not honoring the characters or the story that actually exists.
My first inclination that there was something horrifically wrong with the story was the voice of Sang Ly. Sang Ly is a young mother living with her husband and chronically ill baby in the largest municipal dump in Cambodia, Stung Meanchey. We quickly learn that her life is hard, her child is dying and she has little hope for her future. When she figures out that the mean and nasty rent collector can read, she hatches a plan to get the woman to teach her how.
Great setting for a novel, wonderful set up for character evolution and the pages are rife with conflict HOWEVER illiterate Sang Ly, telling the story in the present tense and in first person, has the vocabulary of a college educated American soccer mom! I found myself chuckling every time Sang Ly used words such as, "grandeur", "embraced", and "incessant". In one instance the character takes the opportunity to explain to the reader what happens to young virgin Cambodian girls impoverished families sell to men, believing they are giving them a better life.
Is this reality? Could the character Sang Ly know this? This woman cannot read. How does she have any clue as to how much American money is valued let alone how it translates to the value in Cambodia! Poor illiterate Sang Ly also gives us the genus and species of the plant 'bitter melon' mormordica charantia , amazing don't you think?
Her vocabulary is only one example of character transgression. In one passage, Sang Ly nearly has a nervous breakdown because she finds a leech on her ankle, which apparently has never happened before in her four years of living in a flaming, often explosive cesspool or during her entire childhood in the rice fields. In addition to the vast violations in character voice, Camron Wright also takes the time to use the character of the rent collector Sopeap Sin to give the reader little lessons on what the author feels makes up literature.
This part of the book left me feeling greasy. It was as if Wright was whispering in my ear, "See? Analogy and metaphors about the truth of life is what makes great literature.
See how MY book is great literature? In reading this book, I watched opportunities to tell a great story, to transport the readers, to illuminate actual truth leak out and run down the drain. Sang Ly returns with her family to the province she grew up in, a lush tropical jungle set with a different kind of poverty. These chapters, if filled with sensory description and nostalgia bursting off of the pages, had the power to illustrate to the reader our perceptions of life as children versus the reality of our lives as adults.
What an incredible contrast through scene illustration this could have been! And yet, Wright chooses to use bland, overused words that conjure two dimensional storybook illustrations. In addition to writing events "exactly as I described them," he wove various events into a single incident in order to work with the storyline. Wright also references various books on the history of Cambodia and the reign of the Khmer Rouge. This is the most blatant example of white privilege by an author I have ever come across.
And he doesn't even do a good job of it! Does he need to be female or Cambodian or even poor to write this story? Hell no. There are legions of amazing authors who write stories vastly different than their own. But he does need to do the work of standing in front of Sang Ly, breathing in the air of Stung Meanchey, looking her in the eyes and trying a mega ton harder to do her story justice, especially if he is going to write lived experiences.
Instead he has stolen from them one of their most valuable possessions, their identity, so that he could sell more books. In all of my research about Wright and the success of The Rent Collector , I have never come across anything that says proceeds from the sale of this book go to assist the people of Stung Meanchey.
Are you absolutely kidding me? Did you read the book? I am astonished and appalled that you have given your seal of approval to a project so rife with errors and blatant disregard for character development. As a reader, your opinion lacks credibility and you are on watch. However I must point out that I was indeed yelling at the screen while I typed those words and therefore, it is the most accurate. View all 3 comments. Jan 29, Cheryl rated it it was amazing Shelves: adult-fiction , other-cultures.
This beautifully written, poignant, and unforgettable novel is a story of perseverance and hope amidst the squalor and filth of the dump outside of Phnom Penh, Cambodia. I would give this novel ten stars if I could. Sep 30, Lori rated it it was ok. I would like to read a book about life in Cambodia. A different book. One that doesn't sound American. Jul 22, Erika B. This book was fabulous! It's poetry!
Based on the true story of Ki Lim and Sang Ly who live with their sickly son, Nisay, in a municipal waste dump in Cambodia. Life is a daily struggle as they collect trash to trade for money so they can eat barely enough food and pay rent to their cranky rent collector.
The dump is a dangerous place with the danger of gangs, combustible piles of trash, and the big dump trucks who don't care if you get in their way. Sang Ly longs for a bette 4. Sang Ly longs for a better life for her family. Redemption comes in many forms in this book where people are not who they seem and it's not where you are but who you are that really matters.
And my favorite character in the story is the infamous rent collector, Sopeap Sin. You have to read this book for her! I can't go in depth without being super spoilery! Nothing worse than spoilers! Knowledge is power! This books main theme is hope and anyone can rise from the ashes even in the dumps of Cambodia! I say again-read this book! You won't be sorry! However, the story's message is the same. Whether we like it or not, hope is written so deeply in our hearts that we just can't help ourselves, no matter how hard we try otherwise.
We love the story because we are Sarann or Tattercoats or Cinderella. We all struggle with the same problems and doubts. We long for the day when we'll get our own reward. We all harbor hope-"" -pg. Literature's lessons repeat because they echo from deeper places. They carry messages that are older than the words themselves, messages that reach beyond the page.
After I finish, some of you may whisper that it is not true. You may say that my words are made up, that my story is nothing but a myth-and you may be right. But as a wise and great teacher once explained so patiently, all good stories-stories that touch your soul, stories that change your nature, stories that cause you to become a better person from their telling-these stories always contain truth.
I would turn my leaves to gold and scatter them toward the sky so they would circle about your head and fall in piles at your feet If I were the mountains I would crumble down and lift you up so you could see all of my secret places, where the rivers flow and the animals run wild If I were the ocean I would raise you onto my gentle waves and carry you across the seas to swim with the whales and the dolphins in the moonlit waters If I were the stars I would sparkle like never before and fall from the sky as gentle rain, so that you would always look towards heaven and know that you can reach the stars.
If I were the moon I would scoop you up and sail you through the sky and show you the Earth below in all its wonder and beauty, so you might know that all the Earth is at your command. If I were the sun I would warm and glow like never before and light the sky with orange and pink, so you would gaze upward and always know the glory of heaven. But I am me And that is forever. Jun 10, LeeAnn rated it it was amazing Shelves: fiction. Oh my. At first I did not like this book and almost put it down.
Something, however, pushed me on, and I'm glad it did. I just finished this deeply moving, heartfelt book. Did I like the book? Did I like the writing? Sometimes it startled and distracted me. But overall I think the net effect was to make me think--that's what this author does best. He doesn't intend to make us content but to make us think, but maybe that is how we truly LIVE. Truly one of the best books I have read. SPO Oh my. The point where I, and apparently others, are tempted to give up the book is also a turning point in Sang Li's life.
The wretchedness of her situation and then the hope and the good things that keep her moving forward. The single incident that pivots the whole book. Then the more educated tone--a promise that she moves out of the dump or a reminder that the story is fictional intended to make us think? A discordance or a lead into the idea that not all stories end as they should or as expected. Maybe the Cinderella story ends a bit differently--and is that right or wrong?
Maybe more right than the initial hope? Nov 05, Carrie rated it it was amazing. One of my top favorite books of all time.
Considering how many books that I have read in my lifetime, that should convey how much I love this book! This is a gripping story that filled me with gratitude for my many blessings as I began to read of the struggles in Cambodia. Then, as the story progresses I am filled with a sense of wonder at the hope and determination of the women who survive at Stung Meanchey, the largest waste dump in all of Cambodia. This story tells of friendship, love, hard work, sacrifice, survival, discovery, forgiveness, kindness, teaching, learning and HOPE.
Truly this book has moved me and changed me. I am a different person after reading this book It is a must read for ALL! To convey true love, Sang Ly, you whisper What would you say to him? Words provide a voice to our deepest feelings.
I tell you, words have started and stopped wars. Words have won and lost great kingdoms. Even Buddha said, 'Whatever words we utter should be chosen with care, for people will hear them and be influenced by them for good or ill.
Sep 12, Natalie rated it it was ok. This book was a frustrating read for me. I thought the setting of living in a Cambodian dump was an interesting premise, particularly after reading and loving the book "Behind the Beautiful Forevers. The protagonist as has been noted by other readers definitely sounded like a middle class white woman. The line where she basically said, "I have been told that university students study garbology Where would a des This book was a frustrating read for me.
Where would a destitute, Cambodian woman hear anything like that and how would she even understand what was meant by it?! And why would she want to study "literature" in the dump instead of using her newfound reading skills to find herself a better job?? I felt that there were a lot of plot threads that were left hanging. I wish the book would have focused more on the Rent Collector's own life, which was by far the most compelling part of the book.
The whole ending of this book the wild goose chase was almost laughable. I would really like to understand Stung Meachy the dump better and may seek out the documentary, "River of Victory. Sep 14, Emily rated it it was amazing. LOVED this book. One of my all-time favorites for sure. I loved her characters, and I was shocked to read that her characters are from her son's documentary about this very dump. It is incredible that even though these people really do live like this, they Loved It is incredible that even though these people really do live like this, they are able to find beauty and love and happiness in their life.
This will be a "must read" for my children. I loved the smaller "tales" or "fables" told by Sopeap and thought that they were very beautifully written. I need to find out whether or not Camron Wright wrote the words that came from the 1st book that was found on their "lucky day".
It was such a tender moment when it was read to Nisay. Jul 29, Morgan Donor rated it did not like it. I had to read this book as a summer reading assignment for school; and at first, I really did try to make myself like it I've actually waited to digest this book for a month to see maybe if my feelings towards it would change -- they didn't. Although I didn't find too many issues with Camron Wright's writing itself, I found he is in no position to write a book and voice people of poverty -- particularly women -- as a cis, straight, white, mormon catholic?
He was a literal representatio I had to read this book as a summer reading assignment for school; and at first, I really did try to make myself like it I've actually waited to digest this book for a month to see maybe if my feelings towards it would change -- they didn't. He was a literal representation of white supremacy and "westernizes" the novel.
Throughout Sang Ly -- initially an illiterate woman in poverty -- didn't understand words like "pander" contextually which would make sense , but struggled with words such as "maniacal" and "ardent". She, her family, and the rest of the community in Stung Meanch are paragons of the human struggle white people believe they are entitled to fix, regardless if their ancestors were the initial aggravators who caused or intensified the issues at hand.
Worst of all this novel was an open dialogue of the importance and impact of literature, but at the same time he is using literature as a device to white wash history. He meekly refers to Cambodian culture and fails to capture the true voice of women in poverty: mainly because his only source of information was from a documentary his son akin to the description of Camron Wright seen above produced.
I would be lying if I said it didn't bother me that the author was profiting off of a book this ethically incorrect. Perhaps the book wouldn't have bothered me -- or at least as much -- if it was written in third person or as a western doctor that was seen reoccurring in the novel. Many white people need to learn that writing like this is objectifying and wrong; these authors are taking the legitimate voices of people who need to be heard and replacing them with their own something that white people love to do.
I truthfully wonder how big of a success this novel would have actually been if people were more socially aware. They also have to pay rent for this dubious privilege, and are evicted if they cannot.
Their job is to collect recyclables or other worthy garbage and exchange this for money. Sang Ly is one such character, living in this situation with her sick son and husband. Her dream is to get her family out of there, to a better house where they can all thrive. She believe 3. She believes that if she can learn to read it will help lead her out of their current situation.
The Rent Collector, is perceived as cruel and a drunkard to boot, but as Sang Ly soon learns there is much more to her than what appears on the surface. Loved these two characters, loved the fact that Sang Ly never gives up hope and that Sopeap, the Rent Collector, has a whole back story that slowly emerges.
It was totally unexpected to find the many ways literature, stories and hope are portrayed, in a situation as untenable as this. The story flowed well, my only criticism is the teaching, using these folk tales and metaphors became a little too constant for my taste. It did not , however, ruin for me the wonderful tone of this novel, nor the message that it conveyed. Hope can exist anywhere if one does not give up, I think that is important.
Jan 14, Carole rated it it was amazing Shelves: cultural , favorites , read , library-book. I wasn't sure I would be able to enjoy this book based on the fact I knew it was about a family living in a Cambodian dump. I was so inspired by this deeply moving novel, and the hope which it brought. I would give it 4. Nov 10, Nancy rated it liked it. The Rent Collector belongs to many genres. The story gives the reader a basic history of Cambodia and life under the dictatorship of Pol Pot.
What the reader needs to know is that Cambodia has been a country void of hope and joy for a very long time. When the Khmer Rouge declared victory, the country welcomed the end of civil war, not understanding the cost of peace. Although the book does not mention it, Pol Pot is viewed by many to be the Cambodian equivalent of Hitler. His reign lasted four y The Rent Collector belongs to many genres.
His reign lasted four years. Estimates vary, but at least 2. It is not common to find a literate adult Cambodia today. Living conditions are often dangerous and disease and malnutrition rampant. Even knowing these things about Cambodia, I still struggled with the idea of living in a dump. I think the story is in the strength of the people who live day to day in Cambodia. I struggled with the literature part of the story.
It was an interesting concept to add but it felt contrived. The last story didn't pack the punch to end it. The real story was how to find happiness and joy wherever you are.
The secondary story of literacy, although relevant, didn't do much for me. The other secondary story of the book - redemption, forgiveness, and survival carried me through to the end. I am deeply interested in viewing the author's son's documentary on living in a Cambodia Dump. Apr 29, Melissa rated it it was amazing. I thought this book was really interesting. I didn't realize it was based on real people, even though some aspects were fictional. I kept forgetting it was written by a man, as Camron Wright really got into Sang Ly's head and gave her a strong voice.
I learned a lot about life in Cambodia, and it was nice to have the pictures available at the end, as well as some background into the inspiration for the story.
The only thing that didn't work for me were the philosophical discussions. They went ov I thought this book was really interesting.
They went over my head most of the time and I tended to zone out during those parts. My favorite scene was with the book on the bus.
That is all I will say for now. Overall, this story has a lot of heart and will make you think twice about judging others when you haven't walked a mile in their shoes.
I'm excited to discuss it with my book club, and thankfully there are a lot of questions available to work with. Aug 14, Melanie rated it it was amazing. I've been wanting to read The Rent Collector for a while and was excited that it was our book club choice this month as well.
Once I started reading it, it was hard to put down. Sang Ly and her husband, Ki Lim, are just trying to survive day-to-day by collecting enough recyclables to pay for food and rent. Their young son, Nisay, is ill and Sang Ly is frustrated because he's fine while on medicine, but gets sick again when it runs out and they don't have enough money to keep buying medicine for I've been wanting to read The Rent Collector for a while and was excited that it was our book club choice this month as well.
Their young son, Nisay, is ill and Sang Ly is frustrated because he's fine while on medicine, but gets sick again when it runs out and they don't have enough money to keep buying medicine for him. Adobe Photoshop CC. VirtualDJ Avast Free Security. WhatsApp Messenger.
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